715-427-5769 | Mon & Tues 10-6pm, Wed 12-8pm, Thurs & Fri 10-6pm, Sat & Sun Closed director@riblakepl.org

Welcome to the

Rib Lake
Public Library

What will you discover?

Forest scene with trees and grass, gold background. Visit the Rib Lake Public Library at the Wilderness Expo on May 3rd. 3 different locations to explore: Camp28, the School forest, and Lakeview Park.

Wilderness Expo

Join us on May 3rd for a day full of hands-on outdoor experiences, expert-led clinics and family-friendly activities. Whether you’re a seasoned adventurer or just getting started, the Wilderness Expo is your chance to connect, learn new skills and a chance to win unforgettable experiences.

spring book sale on April 16-18 featuring books from the robert Rusch collection. $5 a bag. Bacground shows green plants for a spring feeling.

Spring Book Sale

Coming to the Rib Lake Library April 16-18. $5 a bag. This year we're featuring a large number of books from the Robert Rusch collection! Don't miss this sale.
A variety of baked goods set on a neutral background. Rib Lake Library presents Bread Baking Basics with In the Kitchen with Pride. Wednesday April 9th at 6:00pm

Bread Baking Basics: In the Kitchen with Pride

Bread Baking Basics with In the Kitchen with Pride: There is no cost for this workshop however space is limited. Please call the library at 715-427-5769 to learn more or reserve your spot.
Pre-school StoryTime with Ms. Krista will meet Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. Register weekly by calling 715-427-5769 or email at circulationatriblakepl.org

StoryTime w/ Ms. Krista

StoryTime w/ Ms. Krista will meet Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m.

The Book and a brew book club meets once a month, usually the 4th Wednesday at 6:00 pm at Camp 28 restaurant. Ask at the library for more details.

Book & a Brew

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, April 2nd, 6:00pm at Camp28. The theme for the month is "Banned Books". There are a lot out there to choose from so have fun! See you there 🙂 Please join our Facebook group  to keep up with any changes or updates.

Browse new titles at Rib Lake

Click or call the library to request a title with your library card…

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Resources included with your library card…

Your Library 

Tired of slow internet? Need a good book and something to binge watch?

Steve is here to tell you all about our library services…